How does your restaurant price you menu items and do you take into consideration your profit margin on an item before using it in a promotion?
We have hundreds of restaurants we work with nationwide and for many of them we have a marketing campaign running with an “ethical bribe”. Recently it came to my attention a client of ours was losing money at their menu price for an item we are using as a BOGO.
🛑WHAT (insert tires screeching from stopping)🛑
I was blown away. Why did the restaurant suggest this item and honestly more importantly WHY DIDN’T WE ASK!
Well, today I’m leaning on my friend David Scott Peters to help me dig into pricing menu items and how to identify a LOSER when it comes to a promo.
David is the author of Restaurant Prosperity Formula and a world renowned restaurant coach who teaches restaurant owners and managers how to cut costs, increase profits, and lead their teams to success in the hospitality industry.
You can find David online at…
Here’s a great video DSP did on menu pricing and recipe costing cards.